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3 December 2023 Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited executives join in local culture preservation at the 13th Love Ao Luek festival

3 December 2023 Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited executives join in local culture preservation at the 13th Love Ao Luek festival


3 December 2023, Executives from Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited, led by Chief Executive Officer Sitthipas Udompholkul, Chief Financial Officer Manasnan Tantathityothin, and employees, joined the parade at the 13th Love Ao Luek festival.

The festival was held to honor King Vajiralongkorn, pay tribute to the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, promote tourism, preserve local customs and traditions, and stimulate the local economy. The parade was attended by a large crowd.

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited is proud to support the festival, which is an important event for the community. The company’s participation in the parade was a way to help preserve the region’s rich cultural heritage and promote tourism. In addition to the parade, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited also set up a booth to educate visitors about the palm oil industry, including the production process and the benefits of palm oil. The booth was a popular attraction, and many visitors learned about the importance of palm oil in the local economy. Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited participation in the festival is a testament to the company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The company is committed to operating in a sustainable way that benefits the local community.



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