Job Applicant Privacy

Job Applicant Privacy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) has been prepared by Asian Palm Oil Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to establish policies and procedures related to the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) of job applicants or individuals expected to be employees of the Company (“Job Applicants” or “you”). This Policy outlines how the Company processes your Personal Data and ensures its protection and security to prevent any breach of your privacy rights under the Company’s responsibility. The Company will process your Personal Data in compliance with the provisions and practices related to the Personal Data Protection Act of 2019 (“Personal Data Protection Act”), including any relevant rules, regulations, or guidelines pertaining to the protection of personal data. This Policy does not apply to activities where the Company is not the data controller or where the Company has not engaged in such activities on your behalf.

Personal Data

Personal Data refers to any information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, whether it is provided explicitly or indirectly. Personal Data does not include information related to deceased individuals.

Types of personal data collected

The types of personal data that the company may collect from you include, but are not limited to:

  • Identity Information: Name, surname, age, gender, date of birth, nationality, identification number, passport number, military status, marital status, photographs, signatures, driver’s license number, etc.

  • Physical Information: Weight, height, etc.

  • Contact Information: Mailing address, residential address, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.

  • Online Social Media Contact Information: LINE ID, Facebook username, LinkedIn account, etc.

  • Identity Verification Documents: Copies of identification cards, residence registrations, passports, visas, work permits, etc.

  • Education Information: Educational history, academic transcripts, copies of educational certificates, etc.

  • Employment and Skills Information: Job position, salary, employment history, seminar and training information, language test results, work certificates, professional licenses related to the applied position, etc.

  • Spouse and Family Members’ Information: Names, surnames, occupations, and workplace of spouse and family members.

  • Vehicle Information: Vehicle registration number, vehicle type, etc.

  • Other Relevant Information: Information presented in personal history documents (CV/Resume), introductory letters submitted with job applications, information provided during interviews, personal references, family member information, or any other information received from references or family members.

In the process of considering your employment with the company, there may be a necessity to process sensitive personal data that pertains to you. The company will process sensitive personal data only with your explicit and informed consent, except in cases where such processing is necessary and permitted by law without the need for explicit consent.

Without the need for explicit consent, sensitive personal data that the company may collect from you could include health and medical data, criminal history, religion, ethnicity, information about disabilities, as well as any other data that could have a similar impact on you, as stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Committee’s regulations.

Please note that if you do not provide necessary personal data for the evaluation of your job application, the company may not have sufficient information to assess your qualifications for the position you applied for, and as a result, the company may be unable to proceed with your job application.

If you have provided personal data of family members, relatives, references, and/or individuals in any other capacity in the documents related to your job application with the company or as specified in this policy, you are responsible for informing those individuals about the purposes of data usage and their rights concerning their personal data that is relevant to the content of this policy. Furthermore, you are responsible for obtaining necessary consent from these individuals and ensuring that you have the right to provide their personal data to the company (if required).

The method of collecting personal data is as follows

The company will collect personal data directly from you through the following channels and methods:

  1. When you provide data or documents to the company for the purpose of job application, including filling out application forms, attaching relevant documents for the selection process, or registering for any other activities related to the company’s hiring process. This can be done through the company’s website, social media platforms, or by directly submitting relevant documents to the company.
  2. During the job interview process.
  3. When you visit the company’s premises or designated locations for interviews.
  4. Financial information, bank account numbers, and various tax-related information.
  5. When there is communication between you and the company through various communication channels such as the company’s website, telephone, email, LINE, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other relevant communication channels.

Additionally, the company may collect your personal data from other sources that are accessible to the company, such as:

  1. Information received from past employers, colleagues, references, or family members that you have specified in your job application documents or during the interview process.
  2. Data deposited on job-seeking websites that you have authorized to disclose information.
  3. Recruitment agencies or headhunters specializing in talent acquisition and selection.
  4. Social media platforms that contain information related to your work.
  5. Government agencies with access to your personal data, which the company may request for verification purposes. Other public sources of information accessible on the internet.

The data that the company collects automatically includes

When you visit the company’s website to submit a job application or related documents, the company may automatically collect certain types of data, including but not limited to:

  • Technical Information: Technical information such as IP address, Cookie ID, web browsing history (Activity Log), settings, and information related to your visits.
  • Information on website usage, such as search data, media or content viewed on the website, response time of web pages, the duration of each page visit, or other information related to how you visit and use your website.

Purpose of processing personal data

The company will collect, use or disclose your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. To take any action necessary to recruit consider and select job applicants At various stages such as the interviews, the process of evaluating and selecting the suitability of job applicants. and the process of offering employment (Offer Letter), etc.
  2. To conduct a background check your references and qualifications before entering the interview or hiring process. As permitted by law this includes but is not limited to criminal background checks. health history; and check the information from the references you have specified.
  3. To communicate with you in regards to your consideration for hiring or to inquire further about process for hiring you
  4. To carry out management tasks in the hiring process, such as sending job applicant information or interview reports to Relevant Parties and Persons with Selection Decision-Making Authority Including making records as a database for resource management People within the company.
  5. To protect and maintain the safety of life, health and property within the building or premises of the company. Such as monitoring through closed circuit television (CCTV) etc.
  6. To comply with applicable laws or regulations related to the recruitment process of the company.

The processing of your personal data for the above purposes will depend on your activities and how you interact with the Company by reasons or legal references that the Company may rely on the processing of your personal data are as follows:

  1. You have given consent for one or more of the intended purposes.
  2. The data processing is necessary for the performance of a contract between you. and/or for practice prior to entering into a contract employment with you.
  3. The data processing is necessary for compliance with the laws that the Company has a duty to comply.
  4. The processing of data involves carrying out missions in the public interest of the Company or performing duties in the use of government powers that have been given to the Company; or.
  5. The data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company or of persons or other legal entity.

Disclosure of personal data

The Company may disclose your personal information to other individuals or organizations with your consent or as required by law. The Company may also disclose your personal information without your consent in certain circumstances, as specified in this policy. The instances where your personal information may be disclosed are as follows:

Subsidiaries, Group Companies, or Affiliated Companies: The Company may disclose your personal information to its subsidiaries, group companies, or affiliated entities for the purpose of considering your job application or for other purposes as described in this policy.

Service Providers: The Company may disclose some of your personal data to its service providers, as necessary for various operational aspects, including those specified in this policy, such as information technology system service providers involved in the Company’s work processes.

Please note that each service provider has its own privacy policy, and the processing of your personal data by a service provider will be under that provider’s responsibility.

Law Enforcement: In some cases, the Company may need to disclose your personal data if it is necessary to comply with the law or respond to government requests from government agencies. For example, if a government agency requests information from the Company, it may be necessary to disclose relevant information.

Business Transfer: The Company may disclose information, including your personal information, in the context of organizational restructuring, mergers, business sales, or other transfers of assets. In such cases, the receiving party will be required to treat your information in a manner consistent with this policy and in compliance with laws related to the protection of personal data.

Please be aware that each service provider is responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with their own privacy policy. Additionally, any disclosure of your personal information in compliance with applicable laws will be done with due consideration for the protection of your personal data.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the disclosure of your personal information, you are encouraged to reach out to the Company to address your inquiries.

Storage, Retention, and Transfer of Personal Data to Foreign Countries:

The Company will store and retain your personal data in both physical and electronic formats within the Company’s personal data storage locations, which are located in Thailand.

In some cases, the Company may disclose or transfer your personal data to individuals or organizations located outside of Thailand. If the Company transfers your personal data to a foreign destination, it will take appropriate measures to ensure the adequate protection of your personal data during the transfer. This includes ensuring that the recipient country has sufficient data protection standards or compliance with other conditions as required by data protection laws, regulations, or relevant provisions.

Retention Period of Personal Data:

The Company will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes specified in this policy unless the law requires or permits a longer retention period. After such necessary period has passed or when your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes stated in this policy, the Company will delete, destroy, or anonymize your personal data, ensuring that your personal information can no longer be identified or associated with you.

If you are selected as an employee of the Company, you will be provided with an internal employee privacy policy that explains how your personal data will be managed as an employee. Additionally, this candidate privacy policy will no longer apply to you once you become an employee.

Security of personal information

The company will maintain the security of your personal information in accordance with the principles. confidentiality (confidentiality), completeness (integrity) and availability. (availability) in order to prevent loss, access, use, change, modification or disclosure. Security measures will be provided. personal information security which covers administrative protection measures (Administrative safeguard), technical safeguards and physical safeguards in relation to access or control of the use of personal data (access control), and the company will examine the security measures of personal data in accordance with the measures Where personal data protection laws are stipulated in relation to the security of personal data.

However, there is no guarantee for data transmission by the Internet or wireless networks. You acknowledge that (1) there are limitations on security and privacy. on the internet Which is beyond the control of the company. (2) Security, accuracy, completeness and privacy in any information and information exchanged between you and the company. cannot be guaranteed, and (3) any personal data And the information may be seen or modified during transmission by third parties, despite the Company’s best efforts.


If you are under 20 years of age or have legal capacity limitations. In processing your personal data, the Company may need to obtain consent from parents or persons who are legally responsible for you before proceeding. Consider your qualifications for employing you. Unless the law allows the company can do without asking Consent from parents or persons with supervision and responsibility for you. Responsible according to the law, the company will delete such information from the company’s server without delay.

Personal Tracking Technology (Cookies)

When visiting the website or website that the company Is responsible for and responsible Please note that the Company’s website uses “cookies” to complete your user experience and more efficient.

Cookies are text files that the Company. Stored on your hard drive by a web page server. Cookies cannot be used to open program or to deliver a virus to your computer. Cookies are selected to be unique to you and readable. By the web server of the domain that has brought the cookie to you.

The Company may use cookies to collect, store and track information for statistical purposes in order to operate the website. where you have the ability to choose whether to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. However, if you wish, you can modify your browser setting to refuse the use of cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, you will not be able to use and experience the special features of our website. If you would like to know more details about the cookies we use, you can learn more at

The Company may use the information obtained from collecting your information that has been deleted by the Company. will not be used in a way that can be identified your identity When the storage period expires Your personal data will be deleted, therefore, the right to access, the right to delete, the right to correct. Right to request data transfer that you have under the Personal Data Protection Laws will not be enforceable Valid after the expiration of the storage period.

Rights Regarding Personal Information

When you have sent your personal information to the company As a data subject, you have several rights. which you can exercise your rights free of charge under legal exceptions.

Your rights under the personal data protection laws, you have the right to proceed as follows:

  1. Right to withdraw consent If you have given your consent, the company will collect, use or disclose your personal data. sir whether the consent you provided prior to the date of the data protection law; Individuals apply or later. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, however, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing of personal data for which you have previously lawfully consented to the Company.
  2. Right to access. You have the right to request access to your personal data that is under the responsibility of the company and ask the company Make a copy of such information for you. Including asking the company Disclose how the company obtained your personal information.
  3. Right to data portability. You have the right to request your personal data in the event that the company has prepared that personal data in a format that can be read or used by the work tool or device. and can use or disclose personal data by automated means. Including having the right to request the company send or transfer personal data in such form to another data controller where possible by means of automatically and have the right to obtain personal information that the company Send or transfer personal data in such form to the controller. other personal information directly Unless it can’t be done because of technical reasons.
  4. Right to object: You have the right to object to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data. at any time Unless the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data is made for the operation that Necessary under the legitimate interests of the Company or of another person or juristic person or to proceed accordingly public service mission And the collection, use or disclosure of personal data is not beyond the scope of your ability reasonably expected.
  5. Right to be erased or destroyed (right to be forgotten) You have the right to request erasure or destruction of personal data. of you or make your personal information non-personally identifiable. If you believe that your personal information Was collected, used or disclosed illegally in accordance with relevant laws or that the Company no need for Retention for relevant purposes in this policy. or when you have exercised your right to withdraw your consent or exercised the right to object as notified above.
  6. Right to restriction of processing You have the right to suspend the use of data. temporary personal information in the event that the Company In the process of reviewing the request for the right to correct personal data or your objection or any other cases that the Company It is no longer necessary and necessary to delete or destroy your personal data. According to relevant laws, but you request the company suspend use instead.
  7. Right to rectification: You have the right to rectify your personal data so that it is accurate, current, complete and not misleading.
  8. Right to lodge a complaint. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant legal authority. If you believe that the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information is an act in a manner that violates or Failure to comply with relevant laws.

You can exercise your rights as the owner of the above personal data. by contacting the company or protection officer personal information of the company. According to the details at the end of this policy, the company will notify the results of the operation within 30 days from the date the company receives your request for exercise according to the form or method specified by the Company. However, the Company may take longer than 30 days to consider your request for exercise if the relevant laws allow the Company to do.

So if the company rejects the request, the company will notify you of the reason for refusal via various means such as text message (SMS), email, telephone, letter, etc.

Notification of personal data breach

In the event that a breach of your personal data occurs, the company will notify the Office of the Data Protection Commission. personal information without delay within 72 hours from the date of knowledge of the personal data breach as much as possible In the event that the violation has a high risk of affecting your rights and freedoms, the Company will notify you of the violation. Along with ways to remedy without delay through various channels such as websites, text messages (SMS), e-mails, telephone calls, letters, etc.

Amendments and Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Company may change this policy from time to time if there is a change in its data protection practices. personal of the company due to various reasons such as technological changes However, if such amendments have a significant impact on you as the data subject, the Company will notify you in advance as appropriate before such changes become effective. This policy was approved by the Board of Directors Meeting No. 1/2023 held on May 15, 2023. Contact details If you would like to inquire about this policy or about how the Company process personal data of you under this policy Including applying for various rights, you can contact the company. Details can be obtained as follows:

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited

Address : No. 99 Moo 2, Ao Luek Tai Subdistrict, Ao Luek District, Krabi Province 81110
Email : [email protected]
Website : Phone number: 075-681354, 075-681355

Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Email : [email protected]
Phone number: 075-681354 ext. 1400, 075-681355 ext. 1400

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