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10 November 2023 Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited Representatives Attended the 38th Anniversary of Occupational Safety Day 2023

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited supported the activities of the 38th Anniversary of Occupational Safety Day 2023 under the name “Road Safety Standards Project in Educational Institutions” at Krabi Technical College. The purpose of the event was to promote road safety for students, faculty, and staff in educational institutions. The event featured a variety of activities, including lectures on road safety, demonstrations of safe driving, radio-controlled car racing, and many more. Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited representatives also distributed Asian Plus drinking water to participants by participating in this event, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited recognizes the importance of road safety and is committed to raising awareness and building a culture of road safety among youth, who are the future of the nation.

9 Novemvber 2023 Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited presented souvenirs as rewards. At the 2022 Annual General Meeting 

Representatives from Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited presented souvenirs at the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Hanhong-Takdaet Agricultural Cooperative. Co., Ltd., held in Tak Dad Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phang Nga Province, was to raise the level and build relationships in the local agricultural industry. Not only this Giving souvenirs also significantly strengthens local business and economic cooperation. Making progress toward a sustainable future

9 November 2023, representatives from Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited donated Asian Plus water to the Krabi Provincial Department of Labor Welfare and Protection.

This donation of water is a demonstration of the company’s concern and support for the work of occupational safety officers, who play an important role in promoting workplace safety and reducing road accidents. The Asian Plus water donated this time is high quality water that is clean, safe, and healthy.

26 October2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited donated 5,000 baht to support essential consumer goods for the daily living of flood victims in Krabi Province.

โดยเงินบริจาคดังกล่าวจะนำไปสมทบทุนเพื่อจัดกิจกรรมงานกาชาด ประจำปี 2567 ของจังหวัดกระบี่การบริจาคครั้งนี้เป็นการแสดงออกถึงความห่วงใยและช่วยเหลือพี่น้องประชาชนที่ได้รับความเดือดร้อนจากสถานการณ์น้ำท่วม โดยบริษัทฯ หวังว่าจะบรรเทาความเดือดร้อนและช่วยให้ผู้ประสบภัยสามารถกลับมาใช้ชีวิตได้อย่างปกติสุขโดยเร็ว

21 September 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited collaborated with the Krabi Provincial Industrial Office to organize a volunteer activity to protect religious sites. The company donated electrical equipment for maintenance work inside the religious site.

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited (มหาชน) partnered with the Krabi Provincial Industrial Office to organize a volunteer activity to preserve religious sites. The company donated electrical equipment for maintenance work inside the religious site.

21 September 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited (มหาชน) donated a backhoe to the Ao Luek Tai Subdistrict Municipality to help with waste management.

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited (มหาชน) donated a loader to the Ao Luek Tai Municipality in Krabi Province to help the municipality clear and level the garbage dump in Moo 4, Ao Luek Tai Subdistrict. Asian Palm Oil is committed to sustainable business practices that prioritize environmental impact. The donation of the loader is part of the company’s social responsibility to help the community and the environment.

On September 20, 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited donated blood to help patients at the Community Hall in Ao Luek District, Krabi Province. Representatives from the company’s management and staff participated in the blood donation.

Translation from Thai to English: The blood donation drive received cooperation from Ao Luek Hospital. Hospital staff screened donors thoroughly according to safety standards to ensure that the blood was of good quality and safe for patients. Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited said, “The company is aware of the importance of social responsibility, so we hold blood donation drives regularly every year. This blood donation drive will help to increase the blood reserve at Ao Luek Hospital to help patients in need of blood.

On September 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited (มหาชน) participated in the Health Literacy Development Project to Promote a Fat-Free Organization 2023 with Ao Luek Hospital.

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited joins the Health Literacy Development Project to Promote a Zero-Obesity Organization in 2023 with Ao Luek Hospital and Ao Luek Tai Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The project provides health education to employees on September 20, 2023. Ao Luek Hospital gives a lecture on obesity, its causes, effects, and prevention and treatment. The hospital also provides guidance on healthy eating and proper exercise to help employees stay healthy and avoid obesity. The head of the human resources department is aware of the importance of employee health. The project aims to help employees understand obesity and how to take care of their health properly. This will help promote employee health and productivity.

On April 11, 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited, represented by its representatives, donated Asia Plus drinking water to serve people returning to their hometowns during the Songkran festival.

The donation of drinking water is in support of the Road Safety Prevention and Mitigation Project during the Songkran Festival of Ao Luek Tai Municipality and Ao Luek Tai Subdistrict Administration Organization. It will help to facilitate the travel of people returning to their hometowns during the Songkran Festival and promote safe driving by following traffic rules strictly, not drinking and driving, reducing speed, wearing seat belts, and wearing helmets.

12 September 2023, Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Krabi Technical College to promote cooperation in education and training.

Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited, represented by the Human Resources Department Manager, participated in the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Krabi Technical College and employers at the Kring Chan conference room, 3rd floor, Chan In Building, Krabi Provincial Administrative Organization School on September 12, 2023. The signing of this MOU aims to promote cooperation in education and training between Krabi Technical College and employers. Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited is pleased to support vocational training for students of Krabi Technical College to develop skills and knowledge necessary for working in the industrial sector. The Human Resources Department Manager of Asian Palm Oil Public Company Limited said that this cooperation will help promote opportunities for students of Krabi Technical College to learn and practice the vocational skills necessary for working in the industrial sector, which will be beneficial for developing their potential and preparing for entering the workforce in the future.
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